Laura Ray

Senior Loan Originator | NMLS: 1521656

NAR's Impact on Borrowers: Separating Fact from Fiction - Liberty Mortgage Loans

NAR's Impact on Borrowers: Separating Fact from Fiction

The National Association of Realtors plays a crucial role in protecting borrowers' interests, debunking myths and providing reliable information.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) plays an influential role in the mortgage industry, working diligently to protect borrowers' interests, dispel misconceptions, and offer trustworthy information. With the abundance of rumors and falsehoods surrounding mortgages, it is crucial for borrowers to understand the value that the NAR brings to the table.

One of the primary functions of the NAR is to debunk myths associated with borrowing and homeownership. Through their rigorous research and extensive industry knowledge, they are well-equipped to separate fact from fiction. Whether it's addressing the common misconception that you need a perfect credit score to qualify for a mortgage or dispelling the notion that all loan options require a substantial down payment, the NAR ensures borrowers have accurate information to make informed decisions.

Moreover, the NAR not only safeguards borrowers' interests but also champions their rights. As the largest professional association of real estate agents in the United States, the NAR advocates for fair lending practices, affordable housing policies, and accessible mortgage options. Their efforts aim to create a level playing field for borrowers and promote a healthy housing market that benefits all consumers.

In conclusion, for borrowers seeking reliable information and protection in the mortgage industry, the National Association of Realtors is an invaluable resource. By separating fact from fiction, debunking myths, and advocating for borrowers' interests, the NAR helps ensure borrowers can make informed decisions about their home financing options.

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Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.
Laura Ray picture
Laura Ray picture

Laura Ray

Senior Loan Originator

Liberty Mortgage Loans | NMLS: 1521656

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